Ops One AG platform status and maintenance announcements. Times are indicated in local Swiss time. https://opsone.ch/.
All systems are operational
Scheduled Maintenance
Sentry 24.9.0

We will update Sentry to version 24.9.0.

Start maintenance window: 23/09/2024 23:00
Stop maintenance window: 24/09/2024 02:00

Traefik 2.11.9

We will update Traefik to version 2.11.9.

Start maintenance window: 23/09/2024 23:00
Stop maintenance window: 24/09/2024 02:00

Past Incidents

Tuesday 30th April 2024

SonarQube 9.9.5, scheduled 4 months ago

We will update SonarQube to version 9.9.5.

Start maintenance window: 30/04/2024 16:00
Stop maintenance window: 30/04/2024 18:00

Monday 29th April 2024

Collabora, scheduled 4 months ago

We will update Collabora to version

Start maintenance window: 29/04/2024 23:00
Stop maintenance window: 30/04/2024 01:00

Nextcloud 28.0.5, scheduled 4 months ago

We will update Nextcloud to version 28.0.5.

Start maintenance window: 29/04/2024 23:00
Stop maintenance window: 30/04/2024 01:00

Debian Updates: Managed Server 7, scheduled 4 months ago

We will update the following packages to the latest version.

  • docker-ce/buster 5:26.1.0-1~debian.10~buster amd64 [upgradable from: 5:26.0.2-1~debian.10~buster]
  • docker-ce-cli/buster 5:26.1.0-1~debian.10~buster amd64 [upgradable from: 5:26.0.2-1~debian.10~buster]
  • docker-ce-rootless-extras/buster 5:26.1.0-1~debian.10~buster amd64 [upgradable from: 5:26.0.2-1~debian.10~buster]

Start maintenance window: 29/04/2024 23:00
Stop maintenance window: 30/04/2024 02:00

Debian Updates: Managed Server 9, scheduled 4 months ago

We will update the following packages to the latest version.

  • docker-ce/bookworm 5:26.1.0-1~debian.12~bookworm amd64 [upgradable from: 5:26.0.2-1~debian.12~bookworm]
  • docker-ce-cli/bookworm 5:26.1.0-1~debian.12~bookworm amd64 [upgradable from: 5:26.0.2-1~debian.12~bookworm]
  • docker-ce-rootless-extras/bookworm 5:26.1.0-1~debian.12~bookworm amd64 [upgradable from: 5:26.0.2-1~debian.12~bookworm]
  • locales/stable-security 2.36-9+deb12u6 all [upgradable from: 2.36-9+deb12u4]
  • openjdk-17-jre-headless/stable-security 17.0.11+9-1~deb12u1 amd64 [upgradable from: 17.0.10+7-1~deb12u1]
  • openjdk-17-jre/stable-security 17.0.11+9-1~deb12u1 amd64 [upgradable from: 17.0.10+7-1~deb12u1]

Start maintenance window: 29/04/2024 23:00
Stop maintenance window: 30/04/2024 02:00

Debian Updates: Managed Server 8, scheduled 4 months ago

We will update the following packages to the latest version.

  • docker-ce-cli/bullseye 5:26.1.0-1~debian.11~bullseye amd64 [upgradable from: 5:26.0.2-1~debian.11~bullseye]
  • docker-ce-rootless-extras/bullseye 5:26.1.0-1~debian.11~bullseye amd64 [upgradable from: 5:26.0.2-1~debian.11~bullseye]
  • docker-ce/bullseye 5:26.1.0-1~debian.11~bullseye amd64 [upgradable from: 5:26.0.2-1~debian.11~bullseye]
  • locales/oldstable-security 2.31-13+deb11u9 all [upgradable from: 2.31-13+deb11u8]

Start maintenance window: 29/04/2024 23:00
Stop maintenance window: 30/04/2024 02:00

Sunday 28th April 2024

No incidents reported

Saturday 27th April 2024

No incidents reported

Friday 26th April 2024

No incidents reported

Thursday 25th April 2024

Managed Server 8: glibc security update, scheduled 4 months ago

We will update the following packages to the latest version:

  • libc-bin/oldstable-security 2.31-13+deb11u9 amd64 [upgradable from: 2.31-13+deb11u8]
  • libc-dev-bin/oldstable-security 2.31-13+deb11u9 amd64 [upgradable from: 2.31-13+deb11u8]
  • libc-devtools/oldstable-security 2.31-13+deb11u9 amd64 [upgradable from: 2.31-13+deb11u8]
  • libc-l10n/oldstable-security 2.31-13+deb11u9 all [upgradable from: 2.31-13+deb11u8]
  • libc6-dbg/oldstable-security 2.31-13+deb11u9 amd64 [upgradable from: 2.31-13+deb11u8]
  • libc6-dev/oldstable-security 2.31-13+deb11u9 amd64 [upgradable from: 2.31-13+deb11u8]
  • libc6/oldstable-security 2.31-13+deb11u9 amd64 [upgradable from: 2.31-13+deb11u8]

To load the new library version, all affected servers will reboot after the package was updated.

Start maintenance window: 25/04/2024 23:00
Stop maintenance window: 26/04/2024 02:00

Managed Server 9: glibc security update, scheduled 4 months ago

We will update the following packages to the latest version:

  • libc6-dbg/stable-security 2.36-9+deb12u6 amd64 [upgradable from: 2.36-9+deb12u4]
  • libc6-dev/stable-security 2.36-9+deb12u6 amd64 [upgradable from: 2.36-9+deb12u4]
  • libc6/stable-security 2.36-9+deb12u6 amd64 [upgradable from: 2.36-9+deb12u4]
  • libc-bin/stable-security 2.36-9+deb12u6 amd64 [upgradable from: 2.36-9+deb12u4]
  • libc-dev-bin/stable-security 2.36-9+deb12u6 amd64 [upgradable from: 2.36-9+deb12u4]
  • libc-devtools/stable-security 2.36-9+deb12u6 amd64 [upgradable from: 2.36-9+deb12u4]
  • libc-l10n/stable-security 2.36-9+deb12u6 all [upgradable from: 2.36-9+deb12u4]

To load the new library version, all affected servers will reboot after the package was updated.

Start maintenance window: 25/04/2024 23:00
Stop maintenance window: 26/04/2024 02:00

GitLab 16.10.4, scheduled 4 months ago

We will update GitLab to version 16.10.4.

Start maintenance window: 25/04/2024 00:00
Stop maintenance window: 25/04/2024 02:00

Wednesday 24th April 2024

Managed Server Version 7: Composer 2.7.4

Composer was updated to version 2.7.4.

Reference: #1577

Managed Server Version 8: TYPO3 13.1.0

We've just released TYPO3 v13.1.0 – the next sprint release of the 13.x release series before TYPO3 v13 LTS is out in October 2024.

TYPO3 v13.1 ships with new features for editors, improvements for site admins and integrators as well as developers.

For details about the release, please see:


The packages can be downloaded here:


Ref: #1578